Thursday, July 3, 2014

Using Backstory the Right Way

I have mixed feelings about backstories - both as a writer and a reader. Usually, I don't like to read backstories. I find them tedious. I acknowledge, though, that sometimes they are needed. When I write, however, I always feel like I need to add a backstory or no one will know where my characters are coming from or why they choose to do what they do. But this is not the case. Even if it may feel like it, sometimes you don't need a backstory.

Yes, sometimes your readers need to know certain parts of the history of your story, but if you can manage to add it throughout the story when appropriate, instead of taking the time to write a backstory for your readers then it will flow much better.

As a  reader, reading backstory feels like I'm not reading the real story. Either I have to read this history before the story starts or the story is interrupted to give me a history lesson about what's going on. The history should be incorporated into the story, not separated.

Backstory can be useful to your story and even interesting for the reader if you use it correctly, though. When used the right way, backstory can add to your story, rather than take away.

Don't use backstory in the first chapter. Ever. When the story begins, the reader doesn't care about what happened then. They care about what's happening now. Once they have become familiar with your character and are involved in the story, they may not only willingly read the backstory, they may actually want to the history. Just not in the beginning. Give them time to connect and care for the reader before they get a history. 

Make sure your backstory is relevant to the front story (what's currently happening). Think whether or not it really needs to be there. Don't put it in because you think it's interesting and the reader might also find it interesting. That's a waste of time. Put it in because it reveals something about your character the reader needs to know and moves the story forward. If it's not relevant, it doesn't need to be there. What I will sometimes when I really want to write out the backstory, but I know it's not needed in the story I'm writing, I will actually write it out anyway. Separately, though, for my own benefit. That way, I will have it when I want it and it enables me to better understand my characters and write the story more efficiently. So I write backstories a lot, but I don't always incorporate them into the finished story.

Quick and to the point is the best way to go when writing a backstory. Yes, the reader may be interested in the backstory, but don't interrupt the story to give 2-3 pages of history. Give a paragraph or a couple of sentences. Don't beat around the bush. Just say it.

Once you're sure that you are going to include a backstory and that it's essential to the main story, you need to decide how to incorporate it and there are several different ways to do that.

Spread it throughout the story
This is often a good choice because instead of overwhelming the reader with information, you are just giving bits and pieces as needed. This way, your reader gets all the information they need without feeling like the story gets put on pause. In fact, if you do it really well, the reader may not even realize they are reading a backstory because it fits perfectly into the scene.

Flashbacks and memories are another option to use when writing a backstory. If the character is remembering something, it doesn't feel so much to the reader like it's happening solely for their benefit. But flashbacks aren't always the right way to go. If you use a flashback, make sure it doesn't last much longer than a couple of paragraphs so as not to bore your reader and don't put a flashback in the middle of an action sequence. That will erase the tension.

Have another character need to know the information
If another character is ignorant of the information, and needs to know it to move the story along, then having someone give a brief explanation is a good way to add some backstory without being too tedious.

Putting a backstory into a dialogue between characters makes it simple for the reader to follow along. It makes it a conversation, and not a history lesson. If two characters are discussing it (not just for fun, but because they have a reason to be discussing it) it can fit much better into your story than a narrative.

However you do it, make sure it's realistic! I cannot emphasize that enough. In way too many books I've read, there is unrealistic backstory/conversation. Usually this occurs between the antagonist and protagonist. It will be near the end, when the villain has been found out, and the protagonist will just be asking the villain how/why they did what they did and the villain will explain everything to them! I cannot tell you how much this annoys me. In what way is explaining your evil plan and the motives behind your villainy to the person trying to stop you realistic? It happens in so many movies/books that it seems normal for that to happen. But it's not.

This applies to backstory because many times, an antagonist explaining their villainy is backstory. And it's a good thought to keep in mind when writing. Always ask yourself  "Is this a realistic moment to give a backstory?" and if the answer is no, then don't write it. If you're unsure, don't write it. Try to figure out if the backstory would fit. Try it out. See if it works. Don't add it in if you're not sure it fits at the moment. Never guess.

If you add backstory because you think it's interesting and you think the reader will find interesting, or you know so you want the reader to know, you're proud of the history you created, something like that, it will never work. It will cripple your story. Backstory, when used correctly, helps a story in so many ways. It gives the reader a better understanding of the character, it reveals fears and motivation and can also thicken the plot.

As long as looking into the past helps your story move forward, everything should be fine.


  1. A timely post. Just this week I've been brainstorming my series idea and trying to determine a) what backstory is important, and b) how to incorporate the important backstory. Some of the important events and conversations will be spread, regularly, throughout the book. The history will easily be given in during conversation.

    What do you think about backstory that the characters don't/can't know but what I want the reader to know?

  2. Having a backstory of which the characters are ignorant can work just as well as any other type. It's not really about who knows it, it's about how you reveal it. And if your characters don't know this information, sometimes revealing it can be quite tricky.

    First off, if writing in a first person POV and MC doesn't know the history, sharing it with a reader and not the character is going to be difficult. The most likely solution would that the MC would eventually have to become aware of the history and it could be revealed to the reader as it's being revealed to the MC.

    If it's not first person, though, there are several different options. First, you have to think about who, exactly, doesn't/can't know this information. All the characters? If so, it's perfectly acceptable to share backstory in narrative form with the reader as long as it fits with the rest of the scene and doesn't come across that the story is being paused while the reader gets informed.
