Monday, March 24, 2014

I'm An Average Writer

I am not a professional writer by any stretch of the imagination. I have never had anything published, never sent a query letter, never tried to have anything published. Never completely finished a writing project. But that doesn't stop me.

I love to write and I do it often.  I have several projects I'm currently working on, but my priority is a novel I've written that is still in its revision stages that I hope to have published. So, yeah, I'm not a professional writer, but I am a writer.

My aim with this blog is meet other crazy writers like myself who sit staring at their computer screen struggling with writer's block, who constantly have ideas for stories popping into their head at the most inconvenient times, who watch people to find new and creative characters, and drink lots and lots of coffee.

I'm just a young adult trying to complete a novel and I know there must be at least one more out there.

I can't give you the great advice of the professional writer's who keep blogs and know how to create publish-able works. And I really can't help you if you don't write fiction. Though I can't give professional advice, I have learned a few things along the way and I'm happy to share them with you and would love for you to join me on my writing journey.


  1. Melissa J. TroutmanApril 5, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    Hi, Lizzabeth! I saw one of your articles on Pinterest and popped on over. What is your novel about?

    I also write and get ideas at the most inconvenient times. :) I don't, however, drink coffee. Yet. :) I've had one book published but am still quite young at writing and blogging (

    I've enjoyed what I've read so far! Keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Melissa! Thanks for stopping by! My novel is a fantasy novel set in the medieval time period in a completely made up world. It's about a young girl with a unique physical trait - burgundy colored eyes. She ends up getting into trouble with the Emperor after some reckless decisions. Hopefully it will be available to read one day. Thanks for asking! :)

      And congratulations on having a book published! That is quite an accomplishment! I will definitely check out your website!

  2. hi, i also popped over from pinterest. i have a question that i'd love to see you post about if you've got an answer.... what do you do when you had/have a story idea, you start going w/ it and then it just ... dies? or stalls. like you have no idea where on earth it's heading/you were headed, and it just seems like a one-way story that dead ended somewhere!?
    i've started another project just to keep writing but every so often i go back to the other one and just question it all over again. just curious if you've ever dealt w/ this!?

    1. I have several writing projects I have more or less abandoned because of that very problem and some I refuse to give up on even though they're starting to head that way. I would be happy to make a post dealing with this issue! I have a post in the works but I will definitely put that on the list and write it soon. Thanks for the suggestion!
